
Subcategory of Hydrovacs

48 of 67 Items
  • 2504102, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

11-1/32 Diameter, 16" Overall Length, Two Stud Bracket Facing Away From Can
1/4" Inverted Flare Input, 5/16" Inverted Flare Output, 1/2" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Inverted Flare Vacuum Supply
Chevy / GMC Application

    2504102, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 11-1/32 Diameter, 16" Overall Length, Tw…

  • 2501424, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

11-1/8" Diameter, 14-3/4" Overall Length

5/16" Inverted Flare Input, 1/4" Inverted Flare Output

Ford Application

    2501424, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 11-1/8" Diameter, 14-3/4" Overall Length…

  • 2513494, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

12-3/4" Diameter, 17-5/8" Overall Length
5/16" Inverted Flare Input, 5/16" Inverted Flare Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Vacuum Supply
IHC Application

    2513494, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 12-3/4" Diameter, 17-5/8" Overall Length…

  • 2512140, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

12-3/4" Diameter, 18-5/8" Overall Length
5/16" Inverted Flare Input, 5/16" Inverted Flare Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Vacuum Supply
Ford Application

    2512140, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 12-3/4" Diameter, 18-5/8" Overall Length…

  • 2510555, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

11-1/32" Diameter, 16-1/2" Overall Length, Four Mounting Studs in Rear Shell

1/4" Inverted Flair Input, 5/16" Inverted Flare Output, 1/2" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Inverted Flare Vacuum Supply

Chevy / GMC Application

    2510555, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 11-1/32" Diameter, 16-1/2" Overall Lengt…

  • 2512061, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

12-3/4" Diameter, 18-5/8" Overall Length
1/2" Input, 1/2" Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Vacuum Supply
IHC Application

    2512061, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 12-3/4" Diameter, 18-5/8" Overall Length…

  • 2504055, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

12-3/4" Diameter, 17-1/8" Overall Length
1/2" Input, 1/2" Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Vacuum Supply

2514917, 2512076
IHC Application

    2504055, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 12-3/4" Diameter, 17-1/8" Overall Length…

  • 2504105, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

12-3/4" Diameter, 17-1/2" Overall Length

1/2" Input, 1/8" Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Vacuum Supply, Three Line Unit

IHC Application

    2504105, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 12-3/4" Diameter, 17-1/2" Overall Length…

  • 2503259, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

11-1/32" Diameter, 14" Overall Length
5/16" Inverted Flair Input, 5/16 Inverted Flair Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 3/8" Vacuum Supply
Ford Application

    2503259, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 11-1/32" Diameter, 14" Overall Length. …

  • 2509559, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm

12-34" Diameter, 18" Overall Length
5/16" Inverted Flair Input, 5/16" Inverted Flair Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 3/8" Vacuum Supply
Ford Application

    2509559, Hydrovac, Bendix Fourth Series, Single Diaphragm. 12-34" Diameter, 18" Overall Length. 5/…

  • 2502119, Hydrovac, Third Series, Single Diaphragm Type

11" Diameter, 12-1/2" Over All Length
1/2" Input, 1/4" Inverted Flair Output, 1/2" Air Cleaner Tube, 1/2" Vacuum Supply

    2502119, Hydrovac, Third Series, Single Diaphragm Type. 11" Diameter, 12-1/2" Over All Length. 1/2…

  • 2501001, Hydrovac, Third Series, Single Diaphragm Type

12-3/4" Diameter, 17-7/8" Length
1/2" Input, 1/2" Output, 3/4" Air Cleaner Tube, 3/8" Vacuum Supply

    2501001, Hydrovac, Third Series, Single Diaphragm Type. 12-3/4" Diameter, 17-7/8" Length. 1/2" Inp…

48 of 67 Items